The Other Me

The Other Me
You didn’t see the tear I shed.

I wiped it far away. 

I sat and watched you having fun.

You danced all night,

While on my seat, I stayed.

I wanted to be there with you.

To feel the music through the night.

I wanted to hold hands with you.

Be rhythm by disco light.

I mourned for who I could of been.

The pain free, disability free, me.

Who wouldn’t be in chains.

Shackled without a key.

So I took a moments frustration.

I let it, for a short time win.

But then I composed myself.

Trapped those thoughts within.

I grabbed my camera,

And snapped away.

Feeling a sense of purpose.

My smile lit up my face.

No tears for the unfixable.

I have to make me liveable.

It’s the way it’s meant to be.

Sometimes I just wish,

I could be the other me.
By Katie Haigh

copyright@K.Haigh 5th January 2016

Photo by Katir Haigh. Copyright@K.Haigh  

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