In Memory of Pat

In Memory of Pat You were the light In our Scribblers group With your tales You’d make us laugh Your words could fill Our eyes with tears Or make us think ‘oh wow’ You really were one of a kind With a kind and loving heart You’d give to others all you had And that…

Fly Bye

Fly Bye I’m considered a nuisance, A pain and a pest. I buzz through life, I get little rest. Everyone’s got it in for me. My days are life and death. It’s like running a gauntlet. Will I take my final breath? Firstly there’s the spider, With her sneaky sticky web. She’ll capture me inside,…

Confessions of a Tawny Owl

Confessions of a Tawny Owl We are volunteers. What we do we do for free. We don’t get paid a single penny, For the time we give. We do not get stored away, With the brownie bits. We have to do a lot of work, To prepare for our weekly meets. We do have our…