Home and Homeless

Day 30 of NaPoWriMo!! Last day, I made it! Today’s prompt was to find a poem and then write the opposite of each word to create a new piece. I’ve used my Poem “Home” which is now “Homeless”, both are below: Home isn’t bricks and mortar Or expensive price tags It’s not mountains of possessions…

I take a Pill

Day 29 of NaPoWriMo, I’ve decided to let the flow take me today and followed my own creative juices. My eyes are heavy Stones of black bags Dragging them down Pulling at the sockets Like they could pop out My temples are tight Wound extra firm And between my eyes A hot needle burns Pinching…

Passionate Red

Day 28 of NaPoWriMo. Prompt today to use a colour to inspire my flow. I choose red. Blood thick flow Deadly kiss Scarlet lipstick Strawberry blush Passion burns Heated anger Nails dug into pitched skin Crimson sunset While sipping rose wine The night is fine Ah the love of red By Katie Haigh (C)KatieHaigh April2013…

Illusional Beauty

Day 27 of NaPoWriMo ,today’s prompt, Was to use the wondrous powers of the Internet to help you write, and I have a particular method in mind. Think of a common proverb or phrase — something like “All that glitters is not gold,” or “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” Then plug the first…


Day 26 of NaPoWriMo. Today’s challenge is to perform an erasure of your own. I’ve used my Poem Fragile Paths from day 25 and left spaces as suggested in the full prompt on NaPoWriMo.I’m quite happy with the results. walk a different path journey untold against wrath first foot bold choices were wrong Determination knew…

Fragile Paths

Day 25 of NaPoWriMo, the prompt today was to write a ballad. So I’ve gave it my best go. She chose to walk a different path Her journey was untold She fought against her parents wrath She stepped out first foot bold Many felt her choices were wrong Determination knew She could survive, she was…

My Name, me…

Day 24 of NaPoWriMo. Today’s prompt was to use anagrams from your name to write a poem. When I put in Katie Haigh a lot of very unexplainable Sentences came up. So I used my first name to write the first bit and my second name for the second bit. The last line is an…

Chasing Time

Day 23 of NaPoWriMo.Todays prompt is to write triolets. Time is ticking constantly free Chasing it can be exhausting Watching the clock, the beat I see Time is ticking constantly free I try to juggle time for me I wonder what time is costing Time is ticking constantly free Adjusting is the way to be…

The Seed, The Flower

Day 22 of NaPoWriMo. The prompt today was to write something in reflection to Earth Day. I could write endlessly about nature and animals but today I had a seed of an idea and decided to let it grow. A seed is planted It’s roots stretch beneath earth Deep into the soil Then with a…

Thoughts of Fortune

Day 21 of NaPoWriMo. Prompt to write fortunes for fortune cookies. Not exactly my forte but gave it a go. 1.You will open your eyes, beyond illusions which wish to take you on an unwise path 2.The mirror reflects the truth 3. Step carefully because your path is peppered with fire 4. A broken heart…