Ketchup on Your Treatment

Napowrimo 2018, Day 30 and my final day. Its been quite a journey, sometimes challenging but I’m proud to have succeeded. The final (optional) prompt, I’d like you to take your cue from Borges, and write a poem that engages with a strange and fascinating fact. It could be an odd piece of history, an…

This Girls School Day

Napowrimo 2018, Day 29. Went with my own flow today. Today I’m nervous Ive got a maths test After lunch But I’m also excited Because a boy I like Said he’d sit with me In study hall I’m chewing my pencil Absent mindedly While I write my verbs I’m texting my bestie Under the table…

Postcard to Heaven

Napowrimo 2018, Day 28. Today’s prompt (optional, as always). Following the suggestion of our craft resource, we challenge you today to draft a prose poem in the form/style of a postcard. If you need some inspiration, why not check out some images of vintage postcards? Wish you were here, I’m missing your smile. Its been…

The Moon

Napowrimo 2018, Day 27. Today’s (optional) prompt. Following Lauren Hunter’s practice of relying on tarot cards to generate ideas for poems, we challenge you to pick a card (any card) from this online guide to the tarot, and then to write a poem inspired either by the card or by the images or ideas that…

Feeling Flat

Napowrimo 2018, Day 26. Today’s prompt (optional as always). Taking our cue from today’s craft resource, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that includes images that engage all five senses. Try to be as concrete and exact as possible with the “feel” of what the poem invites the reader to see, smell,…

Warning Chronic Pain Sufferer

Napowrimo 2018, Day 25. Today’s prompt (optional, as always). Today, we challenge you to write a poem that takes the form of a warning label . . . for yourself! (Mine definitely includes the statement: “Do Not Feed More Than Four Cookies Per Hour.” Warning! Warning! Warning! Chronic pain sufferer alert. May exhibit extreme fatigue….

Corners in Circles

Feeling drained today, so a short piece for today Napowrimo 2018, Day 24. I’ve decided to use day 22’s prompt. I’ve found this one rather useful in trying to ‘surprise’ myself into writing something I wouldn’t have come up with otherwise. Today, I’d like you to take one of the following statements of something impossible,…

Her Silence is Deafening

Napowrimo 2018, Day 23, today’s (optional) prompt! Kate Greenstreet’s poetry is spare, but gives a very palpable sense of being spoken aloud – it reads like spoken language sounds. In our interview with her, she underscores this, stating that “when you hear it, you write it down.” Today, we challenge you to honor this idea…

Societies Contradiction

This just came to me… Be unique and different, But not here, not now. Stand out from the crowd, But don’t shout too loud. Be unusual and weird, But not a freak. Make a difference, But don’t upset the status quo. Follow your own path, But don’t step on others toes. Simply be who you…

For Christian George James Kilduff

Napowrimo 2018, Day 22. Today I share a special poem for my special little Godson Christian because today hes had his naming day and we’ve celebrated him becoming a Kilduff. I am honored to be Christians moral guardian and I love him loads and look forward to seeing him achieve so much in the future….