Precious Time

Precious Time If only I had the time,I’d say.A throwaway comment,Yet time is not the issue.Time I have in plentiful,What I truly lack is energy. My mind is busy,Creative and imaginative.I have ideas.I am without,The strength to carry it all out. Still I manage to do some,And some is not none.So I take pride,In what…


Trigger Warning.  Mental illness. She’s made her own hell,Created her own pain.For she dances with demons again and again. She faces battles,Leaving her bloody and scarred.But these are invisible,To the naked eye. Her torment is dark,Created by her minds self destruct.She wishes she could think differently,Yet on self defamation she’s stuck. It’s like a poison,Deep…

Image of Self

Trigger Warning. Self image defamation and mental illness. I’m not that girl,That natural beauty,That woman who lights up eyes. My shoulders are hunched,My pelvis is tilted ,Making my structure strange how it lies. My belly is too big,Sticking out further,Because of my mislined spine. My arms are flabby,As are my face and thighs,There isn’t anything…

The Cost

Trigger Warning. Mental illness. Disability Normality is going out,Having fun without concern. Knowing tomorrow will be fine,Being able to carry on. The chronically challenged, Don’t get this luxury. We instead live in fear,Fear of consequences. Knowing every outing, Will result in an penance. A physical and mental price tag, The length of which can vary….