
Napowrimo 2019, Day 29. Today, I’d like to challenge you to blend these concepts into your own work, by producing a poem that meditates, from a position of tranquility, on an emotion you have felt powerfully. You might try including a dramatic, declarative statement, like Hass’s “All the new thinking is about loss,” or O’Hara’s “It is easy to be beautiful; it is difficult to appear so.” Or, like, Baudelaire, you might try addressing your feeling directly, as if it were a person you could talk to. There are as many approaches to this as there are poets, and poems.

Why are you here?

What do you want from me?

Your timing is inappropriate.

Your presence is irritating.

You are not wanted here,

In my head.

Poisoning my thoughts,

With darkness.

Causing harm to my psyche,

Making me question everything.

Why do you make my mind a battlefield?

Mental self destruction is exhausting.

I simply don’t want you here,

So please leave me be.

Clarity of mind and some peace,

Would be a welcome change.

By Autumn Willow


Photo by Heidi Jones

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