Why I Write

Why I Write

I began to write in my teenage years

Because I had frustration.

I had fears.

The inner turmoil of a teenage mind,

Going through trials and tribulations-

Trapped in ties that bind.

I had darkness in my thoughts,

So Id write down words

Like little snap shots.

As the ink would hit the page

Id feel a cathartic calmness,

Distilling my inner cage.

I still write in a therapeutic way-

It helps me cope,

Make it through each day.

I want to help others, who feel like me,

So they know they’re not alone,

In my words they can be free.

I find as I write the words they lift my pain.

Writing soothes my battered soul,

Takes away life’s drain.

And when I write i am disability free,

I am the words on a page-

Simply me.

By Katie Haigh

©️KATIEHAIGH 16/02/18

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