The Chronic Chronicles, The Morning after the Night Before

Last night I was all smiles and glitter,

A mask for all to see.

I persevered because I’m no quitter,

Even if it would destroy me.

I pushed and pushed with sharp precision,

Helping my team get the jobs done.

I focused with a tunnel vision,

To help those around me have fun.

The show went without a hitch,

Everyone giving their best.

When the girls headed home,

I helped tidy the mess.

As soon as I sat rested and still,

The pain erupted hard and strong.

I felt like I’d been dragged through the mill,

My body screaming I’d done wrong.

The morning after the night before,

My body now rebelled.

I felt fatigued, pained and sore,

Now I was in my own personal hell.

Yet I wouldn’t change a thing,

It’s in my nature to give all I can.

No matter what consequences bring,

Next time I’ll just try to keep to a plan.

I’m not always good at making sure I pace.

Still the tears will start to fall.

When my condition I try to race,

Because I simply can’t do it all.

I simply wish I wouldn’t suffer,

When I’m only trying to live.

I really wish I was tougher,

But I can only give what I have to give.

By Katie Haigh


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